Abiotic Factors



Temperature in grassy plains usually stay the same.
The temperature ranges form95-100 degrees F.(38C.).
And in the winter –40 degrees F. in the winter(-40C.).


An average prairie gets about 24 inches of rain per


You might wonder how a prairie dog gets its water. Well, right by the verge of the prairie, there are usually streams that the prairie dogs drink from


  The topography for their habitat is: flat, open grass lands and Shrubs, grasslands w/ low relatively sparse vegetation/ grass lands.

Shelter                                                                          Their shelters are quite simple. They’re made out of Sandy clay loams, silty, or just loams.


  Raising Young


  Prairie dogs usually raise their young in burrows.
Their litter size is about 3-4 per year. And they
usually keep their young in the burrows for about
5-6 weeks.


Escape Routes 

If a Prairie Dog is ever being attancked by a predator, it will use the under ground tunnels it has dug, so it can safly make it out.