Prairie Dog Facts

+ The average life span for a prairie dog is 3-5 years   

+  A prairie dog can grow up to 12-15 inches

+They weigh about 2-4lbs

+Their group name is "Prairie dog town"

+A family group usually contains a male, two females, and young

+The largest recorded Prairie dog town covered about 25,000 sq. miles(65,00km)

+Texas town held about 400,000,000 prairie dogs

+Average litter size 3-4 pup/ they only reproduce once a year

+9 species of wildlife depend on prairie dogs  

+ 20 species use prairie dog loams    

                                                                                                                            +  117 species benefit from prairie dog colonies                  

+  Species that depend on  praire dogs are becoming extinct

+ A prairie dog can live off ts body fat w/o eating or drinking up to60 days

+ Prairie dogs are closly related to the squrriel

+ Their mating season starts in February and end in March

+You can fing Black tailed prairie dogs in parts of: Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

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